The Chamber received
sufficient contributions to enable it to carry out its mandate
during 2001. As in previous years, the contributions came
almost exclusively from international donors without which
the Chamber would not have been able to function. The government
of Bosnia and Herzegovina allocated only 100,000 KM to the
Human Rights Chamber from its 2001 State budget. This represents
a reduction from past years in the State's commitment to providing
funding for the Chamber.
Since its inception, the Chamber has not had the benefit of
knowing in advance whether it would receive sufficient contributions
to enable it to continue functioning for the following year.
In most years, including 2001, this uncertainty over the Chamber's
existence was not resolved until well after the first quarter
of the year. Fortunately, each year, commitments ultimately
were made and funding received. However, constant financial
insecurity over the years threatening the very existence of
the Chamber has meant that long-term strategic planning could
not be fully considered. Nonetheless, the Chamber has been
quite resourceful in its planning and has made optimal use
of available funds to ensure that it deals with the applications
it receives as efficiently and fairly as possible.
A list of donors
and their contributions plus a summary of the Chamber's expenses
in 2001 are attached to this Report as Annex H.