From March 1996, when the Chamber was first constituted, through December 2000 the Chamber registered
6,675 individual applications. At the end of 1999, that number had been 3,449. That means, on average,
the Chamber received more than 270 individual applications every month during 2000.
In 2000, the Chamber held a total of 11 plenary sessions and 11 sessions of each of its two panels in
Sarajevo (no session is held during August). During its sessions, which are normally held during the first
full week of every month, the Chamber considers the cases before it, both in private deliberations and public
By the end of 2000, the Chamber had rendered a total of 669 final and binding decisions which included
decisions on admissibility and merits, strike-outs, separate compensation claims, requests for review and
decisions on review resolving 846 individual applications. (One decision may resolve more than one
individual application, as the Chamber has the discretion to join cases if appropriate). Annex D attached
to this Report shows the status of the Chamber's case files through 2000. The Chamber also has considered hundreds
of requests for provisional measures. The Chart below illustrates the increase in applications received and
decisions taken over a period of 5 years.